φ Lamp
A floor lamp is the result of the invitation made by Politecnico di Milano to be represented at the "Designers for companies" contest. The contest was published by MaterialConnexion and the chamber of commerce of Milano and required strict meeting of a specific company's requirements. Final design turned out to be successful, involving a show with winner's prototypes - developed with the SITEC department of Politecnico - at "La Triennale" in Milano. The fluid concept acquires meaning only if linked with the flow concept. Through the flow, a material or an entity set itself free from its steadiness and becomes fluid. The shape is inspired by the slim and flexible ear of wheat, whose oscillations reveals the caressing flow, otherwise invisible. The light - symbolic vector - shines through the body head, made out of a single pipe, which drives the flow. The user can tune and model the light through the mechanism, which allows to scatter the beams into the ambient, or to focus them to form a light blade.